Every day with two fed, dressed, and clean babies and a relatively fed, dressed, and clean mommy is a triumph.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Pumpkin Patch!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Lots o' Photos
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Days Are Long....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Birth Class Reunion!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
On My Own
Saturday, July 2, 2011
One Month Old!
We went to the pediatrician last Tuesday for the one-month checkup. Ingrid is up to 9 lbs, 4 oz (birth weight 7 lbs) and Theo is up to 7 lbs, 4 oz (birth weight 5 lbs, 3 oz). I was so excited to learn that they had both gained more than two pounds. Ingrid is pretty solidly in 0-3 month sizes now and Theo is filling out the newborn clothing. They both continue to be excellent, voracious eaters, and I am trying to stop worrying that they're getting enough to eat. They have plenty of wet and dirty diapers and I nurse them as soon as either shows a sign of hunger, so I think it is okay to relax a bit!
Thursday was also my first day without help while David was at work. Theo's expression summarizes how I felt:

In addition to keeping two babies alive, I managed to eat breakfast and lunch and do two loads of laundry. When we went out for our afternoon walk, I ran into another mom of twins in the neighborhood who was heading out for a walk, so we walked together to a water ice shop nearby. It was wonderful having someone to chat with, and I need to make more "mom friends." Her babies are only a few months older than I&T, so hopefully they'll have some friends just down the street who can relate to twin-ness!
My dad's leaving early Thursday morning was sad. But fortunately he and Theo got to have some sports-bonding time.

My dad is such a proud Opa. I am really glad he'll be out here with us all fall. It's good for my relationship with him, and I know he just loves being with his grandchildren! It'll be interesting to see how much they'll grow before he comes back!

Monday, June 27, 2011
A Big Day!
David needed to go for a run yesterday, and the babies were in a relatively calm mood post-feeding, so we loaded everyone up and drove down to the lake. My dad and I pushed the stroller while David ran. The weather was beautiful! The babies enjoyed the fresh air, my dad and I enjoyed receiving compliments about them, and David got in a good run.
Later in the afternoon we drove up to an art festival that was taking place in a nearby neighborhood. We expected the sidewalks to be crowded, so I suggested we wear the babies rather than take the stroller. If there were any major meltdowns, we would never be far from the car or home.

It was a lot of fun! We definitely received less attention as individuals than we do when we have the double stroller. Plus it was nice having a baby snuggled so close. They truly are like little space heaters.
We finished off the evening watching Up. I held Theo and David held Ingrid. I think my dad was jealous without a baby to hold during the movie (tough; I'm not sorry I didn't have triplets!), but it was nice settling in and cuddling as a family of four. The babies were sleepy throughout the whole movie, and then we had a pretty good night.
It's days like yesterday that make me think we're actually going to be able to do this!
Friday, June 24, 2011
This Is Hard
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Ingrid & Theo's Birth Story: Part Two
As my contractions got going and I learned the meaning of PAIN, I wanted to move around to try to cope. But with the internal monitor on Ingrid, the external monitor on Theo and my contraction monitor, I couldn't go very far or very easily. I was really not happy with this, and I managed to haul myself out of the bed anyway. My nurse was a bit unsure of what to do with me, but she got a Chuks underneath where I was standing because I was leaking fluid. And of course I managed to pull out Ingrid's internal monitor with all my jostling around.
Right about then David finally got to the room. He proceeded to stare at me with something approaching terror as I glared at him and tried to handle the contractions, which were coming about every two minutes. Two nurses helped me back into the bed and N tried to get the monitor back on Ingrid. She did something, but Ingrid still wasn't showing up so they put the external back on her. At that point I said I wanted an epidural. To David's credit, he took my hand and reminded me that I had wanted to wait so was I sure I wanted the pain relief? I say to his credit now, because I really do think it was great that he both (a) remembered the plan and (b) had the courage to bring it up to me. At the time, however, I believe I hit his hand away and barked at poor N that I wanted the epi and I wanted it NOW.
N paged Dr. K and gently told me that it would be a few minutes before she would arrive, and then another few minutes to get the epi placed, and then another 10 minutes or so before I would feel the relief. So I understood I'd be looking at at least 30 more minutes of the worst pain I had ever felt. David asked if I wanted to squeeze his hand, but I was afraid I'd break his fingers so I kept squeezing the rails of the bed. N was awesome, rubbing my shoulders and talking to me.
Dr. K arrived and had me sit up in the bed and slump against David's shoulders while she placed the catheter. I think she also had me sign some paperwork, but I certainly didn't read it and I must say that I'm not sure it would hold up as informed consent--contract of adhesion, duress, all that....ha. Anyway, the needle stung a bit, but I was so excited with anticipation that I would soon be more comfortable that I barely felt it. Dr. K finished up and left, and a few minutes later, she told me that I should feel some numbness in my legs--I didn't. N said I shouldn't feel my next contraction as strongly--but I did. And the next one too. Another 10 minutes later, and I was still writhing in agony, and N decided to call Dr. K back. The epi hadn't "taken" and had to be repeated. So we redid the whole sitting up, slumping, and injecting. Finally, around 10:30pm, I could breathe without wanting to scream. David gave me a wonderful foot rub, and I relaxed.
Dr. Y came back then for an update and to figure out what was going on with Ingrid's internal monitor. It turns out the internal wasn't picking up Ingrid because it was attached to my cervix, not my baby. Dr. Y re-placed it, and she said that she'd be back every few hours to check me, and that I should try to sleep. N brought in a cot for David, and we both caught a few hours sleep.
Around 2:00, Dr. Y pronounced me complete at 10cm, and I could push at will. I fell back asleep until 2:30, when N came back and explained how pushing would work. And at 3am, I felt the urge to push--I was worried I wouldn't know what it would feel like, but it really was instinctual. It was time for these babies to get moving!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Growing Babies!
Date Night and other updates

Monday, June 13, 2011
Professional Photos!

We started out in the living room, and then moved into the nursery, and finished up with some "fuzzy sleep baby" shots on the fluffy blanket downstairs.

I was glad Kathy was here and we were able to get some great shots with her.

This pose in their crib is one of my favorites.

We finished with the four of us spooning.

I jammed my rings back on--first time I wore them since March! They were tight but I got them on! They felt very heavy.

Love this. Coffee and spit rags. Story of my life.

I am so glad we made the decision to hire a professional to take some pictures of the babies as newborns. We bought a good camera for Christmas, but you also have to know how to use it--which we don't (yet). Ava's eye is obviously excellent, and we had a lot of fun. So worth it!
Friday, June 10, 2011
First, I think I should get to double count the time I've been nursing because I'm feeding twins. So instead of it sounding like I have nursed for 10 days, it should count as 20 days. On the other hand, it's also nice to be able to claim that I have kept three people alive for 10 days! As Vicky on RHOOC would say, Woo-Hoo!
The method of feeding them at the breast during the day and pumping at night for the next night seems to be working well. David or MIL can help with the night feedings then so I can get some more sleep. I do have to wake up to pump, yes, but it takes less time than feeding them and is much easier. MIL claims that eventually they'll gobble everything they want from me in 10 minutes, but we certainly are not there yet.
Tandem nursing is okay. I think Ingrid does a better job with it than Theo does; I'm not sure he likes the football hold. The My Brest Friend Twin pillow is a godsend though. I don't think I would be able to do it at all without it--so far that would have to rank as my most useful piece of baby gear, with the swing a close second.
In other updates, my poor little Ingrid seems to have a blocked tear duct and has to have eye drops for a week. It's so funny--we were most worried about Theo because he's so little, but it's Ingrid who has had the medical issues. Between the jaundice and her eye, she's been to the doctor or Children's Hospital three times now besides her checkups. I guess Theo had to fight more in the womb, so he's a fighter now too. Ingrid is also a bit congested, so she's been getting the nasal aspirator too. Poor little sweetheart! I just hope she doesn't pass anything on to Theo. In good news, her weight at the doctor's today was up to 7 lbs, 2.6 oz! She is over her birthweight well before two weeks. That was a big thrill for me. She doesn't have to come back for the checkup on Monday with Theo, so that's good. I know the mantra is if the doctor isn't worried, I shouldn't be either, but I just want my little girl to feel better and be her sweet self again.
Ingrid's latest has convinced me I need to find a PCP. I haven't had one.....since high school? I used the medical centers in college and grad school very infrequently, and the only time I've needed a non-OB/GYN practitioner since then was when I broke my arm in DC and when I had the infected bee sting a few years ago. But with all the colds and coughs the kids will be getting....time for mama to get her a doctor too, I suppose!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Ingrid and Theo's Birth Story - Part One
On May 23, my peri gave me an internal and told me I was 95% effaced and a fingertip dilated. She set my induction for Sunday, May 29, but she told me that she did not expect me to make it to that date and that I could go into labor at anytime. David and I were really excited, and I was hopeful that I would be able to avoid the induction interventions. I vowed to walk a lot, and we planned to have Indian on Friday night to try the spicy food trick. We attempted other "get labor started" tricks too.
However, the babies were having none of it. After keeping their mommy scared for so many weeks, the babies got lazy. We spent our last night at home watching The Parent Trap (LiLo version)--how prophetic that a movie about twins was on.
My instructions were to call the hospital at 5AM on Sunday to get a time to come in. We had been told that depending on other patients, it could be later that morning or even the afternoon. I was chomping at the bit, per usual, so I called at 4:50 in the hopes that if everyone was calling at 5 I could beat the rush. A very nice nurse who answered the phone told me we could come at 6 AM!
We finished packing--David says I was a bit manic as I tried to afix labels to the kitchen cabinets--and we headed out after a quick good-bye to Kathy. We arrived at the hospital at 6:25 AM. David was pleased that we could use street parking for Sunday and Memorial Day Monday. One drawback to urban areas is paying for parking in garages!
I checked in and was taken straight to a Labor & Delivery room; no triage for me this time. Our first two nurses, M and C, were really nice, young, and quite attractive; David was pleased, ha. They hooked me up for an IV (C couldn't get it; M got it on the first try). Dr. Z came by and checked me; he said I was only about 70% effaced and that my cervix was posterior and needed to be ripened with a Cervadil suppository. I felt like a piece of fruit and was pretty upset that I wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime fast.
The good thing was that I got to eat! Shift change--we now had Crazy K as my nurse (lots more on her later), and she brought in an egg and potato dish on trays for David and for me. I thought it was nice that she fed him too. After my breakfast, K said we could go for a walk on the rooftop garden off the maternity floor. It was a gorgeous day but a little cool, so she brought me a heated blanket. The garden had a view of the city and it was a clear morning. There were also lots of really nice flowers--the volunteers who tend the garden do a good job! We paced and paced and I tried to talk the babies into getting going, but they weren't listening. After about 20 minutes we went back inside and watched some TV.
Baby B kept slipping off his monitor and needing to be found again, but both babies' heartrates were looking "textbook." Lunch was some sort of chicken thing, and after lunch we did some more walking in the garden. I was getting frustrated by late afternoon that nothing was happening, and I felt ignored by all the doctors. In late afternoon there was another nurse shift change, and we now had J, who was our age and very businesslike. About five minutes after she came on shift, she and K came into the room together, J looking annoyed. K then confessed that I was not supposed to be getting out of bed except for the restroom, the babies had to be monitored continuously, and I should not have been allowed to go to the garden. She had completely ignored the Cervadil protocol!! Fortunately there were no problems, and frankly I'm glad I was able to move around and get some fresh air, but my goodness--what a mistake!
J also said that I was not getting any more food. I was really annoyed at this point--just as David announced he was going home to eat dinner and go for a quick run. As we weren't expecting anything to happen for 2 1/2 hours, it made sense although it made me feel a bit abandoned. Before he left, I had a bit of a temper tantrum about not being able to walk anymore, and J said I could go on a remote monitoring thing as long as I stayed hooked up. Dr. Z said it was okay too, so away we went, pacing the halls with me dragging a monitor on wheels along for the ride. I called Aunt E to give her an update, and that kept me entertained for the first 15 minutes of David's absence. By that point I was tired, so I went back to the room to sit down. It was about 7:30pm and I was expecting to sit there for an hour before anyone paid any more attention to me. I was feeling sorry for myself, lonely, and anxious about when the babies were going to be making an appearance. At this point, my contractions were infrequent bur regular-ish and not painful.
All that was about to change!
Suddenly, J came in with a female doctor, Dr. L, who introduced herself and was very friendly and said she and Dr. Y were going to be doing my delivery that night. She said she was going to remove the Cervadil and check my progress. That HURT. I didn't like seeing all the blood on her gloves when she took her hand away. She said I was at 2-3 cm and the next step would be breaking my water and putting an internal monitor on Baby A. That is a little probe-like thing that attaches to the baby's scalp. She reassured me that it was painless for the baby.
I quickly called David and told him to get back ASAP. He sounded kind of shell-shocked; I know I sounded mad. A few minutes later, Dr. L was back and I lay flat as she inserted the wand to break my water--gush! That didn't hurt. But a few seconds later--BAM, I felt my first real contraction. It hit me like a ton of bricks--much stronger and much more painful than anything I had been expecting or have ever felt. I called David again and ordered him to get back NOW; he reported that he was walking to the hospital entrance.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
An Overwhelming Feeling.....
I didn't think it was possible to be so happy or to be so in love with two tiny beings that spend most of their time sleeping, crying, or eating. But it is. Even in the midst of the worst squalls, I could just melt every time I look at them. Watching David hold them makes my eyes tear up. I know so much of it is the post partum hormones, but I don't mind. We made these babies! I grew them! And my breastmilk is keeping them alive! I. Am. Superhero.
The breastfeeding is a challenge, but it is rewarding to see two sets of eyes looking up at me and enjoying their meals. We started tandem nursing on Saturday, and it definitely saves a lot of time. It's tough to concentrate on keeping both awake and eating, but we're all getting better. They're taking less and less bottled expressed milk after each feeding, and their diaper output is great, so I know they're getting enough. We're using bottled breastmilk at night and I'm pumping because it goes a lot faster and it gives me a bit of a break while David or my MIL feed them.
Another overwhelming feeling--protectiveness. My poor little girl has had to go to Children's Hospital twice now for blood tests for her jaundice, and I am THRILLED to report that it is gone as of Sunday. She had to spend Thursday night, Friday, Saturday, and most of Sunday as a glow worm:

Also overwhelming: my desire to just memorize every last bit of them. Our camera is getting a workout.

David likes playing with the babies:

What a difference two pounds makes. Ingrid feels solid and it's not scary to hold her or dress her. My Theo still feels like a baby bird....I know he's strong and a fighter, but it's easy to feel like you're going to hurt him when dressing or changing him. He's eating a lot and making a lot of dirty diapers, so I'm hopeful that his weight gain will be really good at the two week appointment.

Which brings us to the last overwhelming feeling: worry. I come from a long line of worriers on my mom's side. I always used to tease my mom that she would lay awake at night going through her daily worries--10 minutes on me, 5 minutes on the dog, 5 minutes on my dad, 5 minutes on world peace, 5 minutes on thinking of other things to worry about that she hadn't already worried about, etc. I now get to worry that they're not eating enough, not eating often enough, that they'll reject the breast, that they'll get dependent on bottles (yes, contradictory, I know), that David won't bond with them, that they'll prefer David to me, that our visitors will be annoyed at not getting enough sleep no matter how much they say they expect not to sleep, what I'll do when I'm alone with David at work, and the big one--how am I going to leave these little angels when I go back to work in (hopefully) December???
Friday, June 3, 2011
We've made it through two nights now! Two babies....it's hard work. As soon as one of them is fed, I have to feed the other one. By the time that one is done, it's almost time to feed the first one again. I am going to have to get tandem feeding down! Both of them were asleep for a lot of yesterday, so they were awake too much at night. It was tough. David is useless if he's not getting enough sleep, and I'd rather have him get some good sleep than be cranky and whiny during the day when I also need him. We'll all get better at all of this and develop a routine....we have no choice! We had to take Ingrid for her blood draw for her jaundice today, and MIL stayed home with Theo. It felt SO EASY only having one baby to be repsonsible for for a couple of hours--ha! (More on her jaundice later, but note that this is the first time the babies have not been together since conception. Crazy.)
My milk started coming in yesterday. My MIL noticed it when I was doing my first pump of the day after the babies had nursed. Great start to my 30th birthday. I also weighed myself, and I'm down 25 pounds of the 50 I gained--nice!
More and more milk has been coming in each time--I just pumped 3oz in 15 minutes after nursing both babies. I'm not sure how much of the pumping success is because my supply is going up and how much is because the babies just aren't good at pulling the milk out of me yet, but I'm going to be happy with it.
Yesterday was the babies' first bath at home. Here we are, all nice and clean. Their hair gets so cute and fuzzy after a bath!
For my birthday dinner, I got the sushi I've been craving, a fantastic Anderson Valley pinot noir that David picked up at the fancy local wine and cheese shop, and the best cupcakes ever.
I'm crossing my fingers for a good night--I'm going to bed after dinner to try to get some sleep before the babies start squawking.