We started out in the living room, and then moved into the nursery, and finished up with some "fuzzy sleep baby" shots on the fluffy blanket downstairs.

I was glad Kathy was here and we were able to get some great shots with her.

This pose in their crib is one of my favorites.

We finished with the four of us spooning.

I jammed my rings back on--first time I wore them since March! They were tight but I got them on! They felt very heavy.

Love this. Coffee and spit rags. Story of my life.

I am so glad we made the decision to hire a professional to take some pictures of the babies as newborns. We bought a good camera for Christmas, but you also have to know how to use it--which we don't (yet). Ava's eye is obviously excellent, and we had a lot of fun. So worth it!
We're having more sessions with her at six months and a year--can't wait!
love the photos! you really are going to love them forever. also, i can't believe how much ingrid looks like you! that photo of david holding her looks like he's holding a little baby you. and i adore the shot of the twins together...that yin/yang pose is amazing.