So in 2009, David got pretty serious about running. He ran his first marathon and started running regularly. not a runner. I am not athletic. I like yoga and Jillian Michaels DVDs and playing kickball, but I'm just not an athlete. However, I wanted to try to participate in David's new passion. So I signed up for a half marathon. It was a beautiful, flat course, and I actually really enjoyed it. My time was not good, but I had fun.

Here I am after finishing in 2009. Good times. It also helped that we stopped at a Red Lobster on the way home and I got to have those amazing biscuits. I love all the independent, non-chain restaurants in our area, but every now and then a girl wants chain food.
Fast forward to August 2010. I think, let's sign up to do the half again! David is on board because it's several weeks before the marathon where he planned to attempt a Boston qualifying time (he made it, yay!). Another friend of ours who is a runner decided to sign up with us. Now all I had to do was train.
Except....I couldn't train. I was exhausted and work was busy. And....turns out I was pregnant (but we didn't know they were twins yet). I wasn't embarrassed about walking, but I had hopes that I could beat my time from last year--I hadn't trained very well for that race either.
Except....I wasn't pregnant last year. This time around, my sciatic never wouldn't let me run. The impact of each step made me want to cry. I was so thirsty and needing fluid to stave off morning sickness, but as soon as I had anything to drink I would have to go to the bathroom. I think I visited three porta potties on the course. The course was still beautiful and flat, but it overcame me.
But did I stop? No, because I'm a stubborn idiot. I kept going. Mile after mile after mile. By the time I finished, David had already gone back to the hotel and showered and returned to the course to collect me. He ran/walked the last mile and stub with me to help me keep moving. It was miserable.
No pictures of my finish this year because I was so annoyed with myself that I wouldn't let him. (And for me to deny pictures is a big deal.) I'm still not sure if I was more annoyed about (i) my horrible time or (ii) that I hadn't given up when I'm fairly certain I should have.
Ugh. Anyway, I'm going to sign up for the 2011 half, and I'm going to use that as my goal for getting back in shape after the babies. I'm excited again and this time I swear I'll beat my 2009 time. It would be hard to do worse than I did in 2010!
Edit: I know that there are lots of women who successfully run throughout their pregnancies, even multiple pregnancies. I do not happen to be one of them. I think it's important to listen to your body (and your doctor), and for me, completing the half was a mistake. Fitness during pregnancy is very important, and every woman should find what works for her and her body.
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